

Connect With Fellow Business Students 和 Tap into Austin’s Vibrant Community

Students in 比尔·蒙迪商学院 are encouraged to engage outside the classroom in one of the following student organizations. These groups serve both undergraduate 和 graduate students 和 facilitate connections to local business leaders, 通常会导致实习和全职工作.


Promotes the study 和 practice of accounting by providing opportunities for self-development, 会员和执业专业人士之间的服务和协会. 联系Fred Tedesco ftedesco@sh-fyz.com

关注财经大学会计俱乐部 Instagram推特.

全国工商管理荣誉学会. 的 promotes higher scholarship in training for business 和 recognizes 和 rewards Business Administration students who have distinguished themselves scholastically. 联系玛丽·邓恩 marybd@sh-fyz.com 或山茶花 crotaru@sh-fyz.com.


A co-educational business fraternity that fosters the study of business in universities 和 encourages scholarship, social activity 和 association of students for their mutual advancement by research 和 practice. 联系玛丽·邓恩 marybd@sh-fyz.com.

欲知更多资讯,请浏览 德尔塔西格玛派的网站 跟着他们走 Instagram.

促进对经济思想和经济学专业的兴趣. 365比分网电竞. The club acts as a forum for discussion of economic issues 和 as an information exchange regarding economics careers 和 graduate programs. 它还促进了对经济学感兴趣的学生之间的社会互动. 联系Haydory Ahmed hahmed@sh-fyz.com

Promotes increased awareness 和 access to career opportunities in management fields, 帮助学生拓展人际网络, develops leadership skills 和 promotes the benefits of postgraduate business education. 联系Prodyodth Chatterjee pkc@sh-fyz.com


努力鼓励和维护健全和道德的营销行为, 形成对营销挑战的更深层次的理解和欣赏, 提高市场营销专业人员的机会意识. 该协会还提倡批判性思维, 决策和领导能力, 改进业务, 营销和网络技能, 培养学生之间有益的关系, 教师和商业专业人士. 联系韦斯·波利特 wpollitt@sh-fyz.com.

关注山顶美国营销协会 脸谱网 和 Instagram.

Join the 山顶创业俱乐部 和 work with students from all majors on real-world projects. Learn how to make connections in the entrepreneurial way 和 develop unique ideas to present to the community. 有兴趣加入? 联系总统雅各布·齐文 jzivin@sh-fyz.com

唯一一个致力于创业的学术荣誉协会. 西格玛牛头的使命是促进, recognize 和 award academic excellence in entrepreneurship 和 to encourage 和 recognize the practice of principled entrepreneurship. "Principled entrepreneurship is maximizing long-term profitability for the business by creating real value in society while always acting lawfully 和 with integrity.“请与安东尼奥·阿尔瓦拉多联系 antonioa@sh-fyz.com.


旨在推进创业生态系统St. 365比分网电竞 for students interested in starting a small business or non-profit organization. The organization supplements classroom learning 和 promotes the entrepreneurial experience. Activities include co-sponsoring the annual Business Plan Competition 和 the iChallenge pitch competition, 主持实地考察和演讲, 和 volunteering at various entrepreneurial events – both on campus 和 in the community. 请与道格拉斯·卡特联系。 dcarter5@sh-fyz.com. 


Collaborate with graduate business students, university administrators 和 Austin business leaders.

The 商学院研究生协会(GBSA) promotes increased awareness 和 access to career opportunities in management, 帮助学生拓展人际网络, develops leadership skills 和 promotes the benefits of postgraduate business education.

有关GBSA结构的更多详情, 目标和指导原则, 参考 GBSA章程及细则.

Thamires Koha,总统

在里约热内卢出生和长大, 巴西, Thamires developed an interest in business 和 entrepreneurship at an early age, 跟随她的祖父母和父母的脚步, 谁建立了自己成功的企业. She studied law 和 started her own practice, focusing on consumer 和 family law. Two years ago, she moved to Austin, Texas to pursue new opportunities 和 experiences. 她目前正在圣. 365比分网电竞, aiming to eventually work in digital marketing 和 br和ing.

When she's not busy studying or working, Thamires loves to travel 和 explore new cultures. She is also an avid cook 和 enjoys experimenting with new recipes in her spare time. 但也许她最大的乐趣来自与她心爱的狗狗香奈儿(Chanel)玩耍.


艾利尼·Alikampioti, 原产于雅典, 希腊, 搬迁到奥斯汀, 在大流行期间在那里待了将近4年. 她拥有比雷埃夫斯大学航运学士学位, 希腊, 以及希腊船舶经纪人协会颁发的船舶经纪文凭, 注重谈判技巧. 有在希腊著名航运公司工作的经验, 艾里尼决定去美国追求她的梦想. 她目前是圣. 365比分网电竞 和 aims to pursue a career in marketing 和 social media after graduation. Eirini's passion for connecting people globally 和 overcoming cultural barriers drove her to pursue a master’s degree in business. She enjoys the friendly atmosphere of Austin 和 has hobbies including spinning, 徒步旅行, 普拉提, 探索不同的状态. Eirini is honored to join the 研究生商科学生协会 as a Social Marketing Officer 和 looks forward to contributing to its mission.


奥斯汀人, Zach has seen plenty of changes in his hometown over the years 和 is excited for what the future holds for the greatest city in Texas. 在拿到B之后.A. 在奥斯汀的德克萨斯大学攻读政府专业, 扎克进入了商业技术销售领域, where his experience navigating the complexities of supply chain disruptions inspired him to pursue his MBA at St. 爱德华的. 毕业后, he hopes to apply his knowledge 和 skills to help whatever organizations he finds himself a part of run as smoothly 和 efficiently as possible. 在空闲时间,扎克喜欢旅游(尤其是去国家公园)!)、飞行,以及和妻子和两只猫一起看电影."


Lora is originally from Michigan 和 enjoys living in 和 learning about all things Texas. She is an avid learner who focuses on reading 和 traveling as her two main mediums to experience different cultures 和 people groups. Lora started her first small business in 2008 和 her first non-profit in 2015. 她很荣幸能够通过伙伴关系为组织带来价值, 咨询, 战略发展. Lora is a Certified John Maxwell Coach 和 is pursuing completion of certification Patrick Lencioni's Working Genius Model as well as Process Communication Model. 在任何一天, 劳拉可以在图书馆找到, 在飞机上, 在健身房, 或者组织和参与志愿救济工作. 从圣. 爱德华的 MBA program Lora looks forward to adding value to the journey of other entrepreneurs 和 small business owners on a local 和 international level (和 checking off a bucket list item of visiting her 7th continent, 南极洲!).